
Well, Smack Me on the Ass and Call Me Marie Antoinette

Well, Smack Me on the Ass
and Call Me Marie Antoinette.

a discussion on finding some damn peace and quiet

"Do I keep trying to juggle both? Or do I just say fuck it and peace out from TikTok and Insta, even if the ban doesn’t happen?"

Shooting into 2025 like a bat outta hell, I’m standing in my living room absolutely drowning in thoughts about all the crap I have to do and all the crap I want to do. Here’s the rundown: one commission, two motorcycle paint jobs, two charity pieces, and a baby shower gift. Sounds like a lot, huh? It is.

You’re probably thinking, “You’re a full-time content creator, so you’ve got time, and you’re probably rolling in cash doing all that! You should be grateful!”

So, totally wrong. I’m only getting paid $100 for all of that. ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS. Why? Because apart from the ONE commission, everything else is either a charity piece, a gift, or work on family members’ bikes. And when you factor in the cost of materials, I’m making basically zilch.

Also, I’m not a full-time content creator. I also work 40 hours a week.

Look, I don’t do art for the money—most artists wouldn’t. And I definitely don’t create content for the money (that’s a whole other rant). But lately, I’ve been feeling like a hamster on a wheel. I’m exhausted, but my need to create and self-express is somehow stronger than my need to rest. Throw in my tattoo practice and my desire to get better at that, and yeah, it’s a lot.

Which brings me to this revelation: I need some fuckin’ peace and quiet.


Not trying to be such a poopy pants, I didn’t realize how stressed out I’ve been until I started writing all this down. If you’re creative, you probably get it—or at least, you can roll your eyes and relate a little. But seriously, I need to consume less.

When I started my social media accounts in 2023, it was all about pursuing art. And don’t get me wrong, I’ve found some amazing niche communities along the way. These people feel like part of my life now—my chopper and biker friends, my artist friends, my boho fashion friends. I can’t imagine NOT sharing my rides, my art, or my outfits with them. I love creating content, but lately, I’m wondering if it’s pulling me away from what I really wanna focus on: making art.

Social media does something to you, man. I’ve been on it since I was like 11 or 12. That’s over half my life of being influenced by other people’s opinions on art, bikes, style, travel, life—everything. And yeah, it’s shaped me (and let’s be real, it’s probably shaped you, too, whether you wanna admit it or not).

Now, with this whole TikTok ban looming, I’ve started imagining life with less social media and less internet. I fantasize about that cabin in Marie Antoinette that Kirsten Dunst went to with her little baby, just living a quiet, simple life—free from all the noise and demands.

Part of me kinda hopes the ban happens. But then I feel bad because TikTok has been a game-changer for so many people, myself included. It’s helped me find community, figure out who I am, and feel seen. Plus, the business side of this whole thing is a nightmare to think about. A TikTok ban would hit small businesses and artists HARD. Most of my commissions come from TikTok! Without it, I’d be stuck with Instagram, and let’s not even talk about that hot mess of an algorithm. My feed is just ads, AI, and AI ads.

So yeah, I’ve been spiraling a bit about what all this means for my art and my social media presence. Do I keep trying to juggle both? Or do I just say fuck it and peace out from TikTok and Insta, even if the ban doesn’t happen? I mean, I’m addicted to my phone, but I’d hate to lose the communities I’ve made online. Also, I live in rural America; no one around me gets my art.

I hate the internet and Meta and all the garbage that comes with it—but not as much as I love my online communities.

Maybe the answer is to just consume less and be more intentional about how I use my time online. I love making content (always have), and I wanna keep sharing my art because the world needs it.

I don’t have it all figured out yet, and that’s fine. I don’t need to decide anything right this second. For now, you can always find me here at Cult Bohème.

Got any thoughts on what a TikTok ban means for online art communities (or any communities)? Drop ’em in the comments. In the meantime, I’ll be working on some paintings and trying to be less of a stress case while leveling up my skills.